Keep Arts in Schools
Keep Arts in Schools
Support creativity in California's classrooms through your tax return

voluntary tax contribution fund

Smart needs art.

Support creativity in California’s classrooms by donating to the
Keep Arts in Schools Fund on your state tax return


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tax-deductible contribution?
Here’s how.


Start them on the
right note

Arts education is a key factor in helping California’s next generation succeed. Participation in the arts boosts students’ overall academic achievement, social engagement, attendance and graduation rates, and college and workforce readiness.

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The Keep Arts in Schools Fund has the potential to reach:



school districts

Less than half of California’s students
have access to art at their schools. 



K-12 schools

And those who stand to benefit the most—like low-income students and English-language learners—are the least likely to be given the opportunity.



california students

We can do better.

Set the stage for achievement


Higher test scores

Students with quality music education programs scored more than 20% higher on English and math tests. 

overall academic achievement

Students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. 

lower dropout rates

Students with high arts participation have a dropout rate five times lower than their peers.

college bound

Students engaged in the arts are more than twice as likely to graduate from college.

Sources: Americans for the Arts - Arts Education Navigator (2013), Create CA Arts Education Data Project (2018).


Creativity is cited as the No. 1 desired skill in today’s job market.

Forbes / Full Article