Spread the Word
Help get the the word out about the Keep Arts in Schools Fund by donating an advertisement in an upcoming publication and promoting the Keep Arts in Schools fund on your website, social media pages, newsletters, etc. Digital and print resources can be downloaded at the links below.
Click the links below to download promotional resources.
template newsletter text
Arts education is the key to success for California’s students.
Students who learn arts at school score higher on tests, have better attendance records, significantly lower dropout rates, and are more than twice as likely to graduate from college.
Creativity is cited as the No. 1 desired skill in today’s job market, according to a 2010 IBM survey. Yet less than half of California’s students have access to art at their schools.
And those who stand to benefit the most—like low-income students and English-language learners—are the least likely to be given the opportunity. We can—and we should—do better.
This tax season, you can help keep arts in schools by making a tax-deductible donation of $1 or more to the Keep Arts in Schools Fund on your state return. One hundred percent of your contribution will go to support arts education programming supported by the California Arts Council.
Do your part for tomorrow’s innovators who need arts education today. Visit www.keepartsinschoolsfund.org to learn how.
Sources: Americans for the Arts – Arts Education Navigator (2013), Create CA Arts Education Data Project (2018).
sample social media posts
Arts education belongs in every school. #SmartNeedsArt – do your part! Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA
(use with "Social Media Post #1" image)
#SmartNeedsArt: Students with quality music education programs scored more than 20% higher on English and math tests. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #2" image)
#SmartNeedsArt: Students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #3" image)
#SmartNeedsArt: Students with high arts participation have a dropout rate five times lower than their peers. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #4" image)
#SmartNeedsArt: Students engaged in the arts are more than twice as likely to graduate from college. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #5" image)
#SmartNeedsArt: Creativity is the No. 1 desired skill in today’s job market. Support creativity in the classroom through your state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org #KeepArtsInSchools #ArtsCA (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #6" image)
Arts education belongs in every school. Smart needs art – do your part! Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org.
(use with "Social Media Post #1" image)
Smart needs art: Students with quality music education programs scored more than 20% higher on English and math tests. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org. (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #2" image)
Smart needs art: Students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org. (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #3" image)
Smart needs art: Students with high arts participation have a dropout rate five times lower than their peers. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org. (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #4" image)
Smart needs art: Students engaged in the arts are more than twice as likely to graduate from college. Support creativity in the classroom through your CA state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org. (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #5" image)
Smart needs art: Creativity is the No. 1 desired skill in today’s job market. Support creativity in the classroom through your state tax return - http://keepartsinschoolsfund.org. (Source: @Americans4Arts)
(use with "Social Media Post #6" image)